
Full Double Rainbow Songs

I’m sure you have seen Hungrybear9562’s incredibly emotional and hilarious “Mountain Giant Double Rainbow” video by this point. If you haven’t, go watch it now! Trust me it’s worth the three and a half minutes of your life that it will cost.

What you might not know, is that there are a handful of musical remixes already created. Check them out below:

The Gregory Brothers of Auto-Tune the News fame have turned the new famous video into one of their clever overly autotuned songs. The ditty finishes with a vocal rendition from the band.
Double Rainbow Song

“Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow” is the best remix to date in my opinion. Created by James Urbaniak, it’s a mashup with Kermit the frog’s “Rainbow Connection”. Brilliant!
Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow

“Auto Tune The Rainbow” is a pretty horrible remix (and the only one actually trying to make a buck off this) slapped together by Mason VanValin.
Auto Tune The Rainbow

Twin Cities-based producer Gigamesh has just released a remix called “It’s So Intense.” Gigamesh pushes past the meme and turns it into a surprisingly listenable little dance jam.
It’s So Intense

The game designers over at Rockethands created Double Rainbow (All The Way). I like the 70’s rock vibe it has. It’s a lot more organic than any of the others too. Which is nice.
Double Rainbow (All The Way)

Lastly we have the youtube doubler of “Giant Double Rainbow” mashed up with porn music. It actually kinda works in a gross sort of way.

If you find Yosemitebear Mountain Giant (Paul Vasquez) intriguing, you might want to check out the short history and interview with him over at Urlesque.

Prepare, Primp & Edit

Piper wants to play a game. This game doesn’t have a name but a it does have a set of stringent rules. The rules go something like this: You have to take a photo of yourself as soon as you see you’ve been tagged. You’re not allowed prepare, primp, or edit! You must post the photo immediately.

I’ve never been one to break the rules so here you go – one unedited photo shot via the ole’ webcam.

Webcam Self Portrait

Youch. That makes two self portraits in one week. Hopefully you have all had enough of me by now. I know I have. Now to tag others for this:

Mr. Lady

Seven Facts

I’m definitely not too cool for a meme. If anything memes are too cool for me. But Bree over at Sweet & Bitter went ahead and tagged me for this one, apparently because my steeze smells good or something.

The whole idea is to tell you seven (hopefully interesting) things about me. Here are the rules:

  1. Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
  2. Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
  3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
  4. Let them know they’ve been tagged.

Depending on who is reading this, you already know everything about me or you know nothing about me, so this might be tricky. I’ll do my best. I did something very similar to this two years ago. Go check it out if you want to get caught up. Now, without further ado…

  1. I’d rather be too hot than too cold.
  2. In elementary school I played trombone. Unfortunately my arms were too short to fully extend the trombone outward to reach the lowest bass note. As a result, the slide would continually fly off the horn and hit the first chair trumpet in the back. She was never pleased. This didn’t last long though – only about a year.
  3. I was once a carny. I worked the “Throw A Dart, Pop A Balloon” booth.
  4. My karaoke repertoire includes: “Back in Black” by AC/DC (which by the way, if I had my druthers, would play anytime I walked into a room full of people), “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” by Bonnie Tyler (always with a female friend), “Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart” by Elton John and Kiki Dee (I’ve actually pulled this duet off solo before, it wasn’t pretty), and pretty much anything by Wings.
  5. I don’t necessarily hate Art Garfunkle, but I definitely don’t like him.
  6. For the most part, I have lived in Colorado all of my life.
  7. I have a chip in one of my front teeth acquired while showing off, of course. As a kid I lifted my bike above my head. That would be the showing off part. I then released the bike from that height, letting it free fall. After landing on it’s wheels it bounced straight back upwards. It the punched me in the face.

I’m going to go ahead and skip parts three and four of this meme because you are clearly too cool for this.

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