The Shower Project
The Shower Project’s goal is to shower with 100 women by the end of the year and photograph it. A lofty goal indeed (Don’t worry it’s safe for work).
Pretty Up Your Pubes
Is it time to sass up your Sally Struthers? Is your Betty ready? per sotto, per farli combaciare!
Emergency Kindness
EC is hard to get in America due to the widespread practice of doctors and pharmacists refusing to give the pill because it conflicts with their personal beliefs. Emergency Kindness is run by a team of “Janes” spread throughout the country and will do everything in their power to get you EC before 72 hours. What a brilliant idea.
The Celebrity Ranker
The Celebrity Ranker analyzes the web pages in Google’s database to find out how sexy the Internet thinks any celebrity is. I was proud to find out that I ranked higher (1222nd) than your wife (2227th) but lower than her panties (1526th, careful with that last link – NSFW).
There were Orgasmatrons in Woddy Allen’s terrrible movie “Sleeper” and on Motorhead albums, but i think the best one (a probably most likely to actually induce an orgasm) has to be Dominic Wilcox’s Orgasmatron 3000
Hipster Erotica
Despite being neither hip nor erotic I still have a soft spot (probably right near the funny bone) for hipsterotica.