It is the last day of Lightning Safety Awareness Weak. The photo above is an image sequence, by Chris Kotsiopoloulos, containing 70 lightning shots. It was taken at Ikaria island during a severe thunderstorm. Fire in the sky!
It is the last day of Lightning Safety Awareness Weak. The photo above is an image sequence, by Chris Kotsiopoloulos, containing 70 lightning shots. It was taken at Ikaria island during a severe thunderstorm. Fire in the sky!
I really enjoyed exploring this project from Joe Davis called “Some Of Us Are Looking At The Sky“. The website shows an image looking up at the sky (and nothing else) from anywhere in the world covered by Google streetview. The image above was taken from in front of my house.
The annual summer Perseid meteor shower is set to display its glory in our skies over the next couple of days. The show comes as Earth passes through the dust trail of the Swift-Tuttle Comet. The meteors that scorch through the atmosphere appear to come from the constellation Perseus. The peak of the show is expected to be this evening, Thursday the 12th of August. The show should be particularly easy to view this year since there will be little light interference from the moon.
If you go outside a little early on Thursday evening, around sunset, you’ll see a beautiful gathering of planets in the sunset sky–Venus, Mars, Saturn and the crescent Moon. It’s a nice way to start a meteor watch. Here are a few tips to help you have the best viewing experience.
Things to bring:
Most of all it’s important to have fun and enjoy the splendors of nature. If you’re interested in learning more about meteor showers this amateur astronomy website is a good place to start.
Look west 30 to 60 minutes after sunset when the Sun has dipped 6 to 16 degrees below the horizon. If you see luminous blue-white tendrils spreading across the sky, you’ve probably spotted a noctilucent cloud. Although noctilucent clouds appear most often at high latitudes–e.g. places like Scandinavia and Canada–they have been sighted as far south as Colorado, Utah and Virginia.