What Do You Do On Date Night?

Cubbies vs Rockies :: Coors Field, Denver

Last Friday was date night. What do you do on date night? Go to the movies and then come home and make out, of course. Or miniature golf and heavy petting. We opted for the movies.

Saturday I went and visited my Grandma. She seemed to be doing better than usual. Which is scary because I know it can change on a dime and will ultimately make me more sad. But it’s great when I’m there and she seems to be alright (despite knowing the truth). So it was an enjoyable visit. Saturday night was sushi with my bro and his girl at The Sushi Boat (cool river, lame atmosphere, good sushi).

Sunday we tried out the over-hyped Snooze. Then we headed to the Rockies vs. the Cubbies game where I was torn with whom to cheer for.

13 thoughts on “What Do You Do On Date Night?”

  1. Snooze is a little too antiseptic for me. It doesn’t make me want to Snooze. It isn’t as cozy as it should be. Make sense?

    The owners are nice though.

  2. our date nights usually involve copious amounts of food and wine.

    over-hyped is right. we had the worst service @ snooze….our guy was too cool for school and slow as hell. i also paid $8 for a gourmet plate of frozen shredded potatoes.

    that was just one visit though. i can’t totally say it sucks until i try it again. i’m fair like that.

  3. baseball makes me want to Snooze…

    Every time I see that Casa Bonita link over there I laugh…That’s gotta be one of my all time favorite blog reads.

  4. Busy professionals with hectic social schedules and responsibilities often have to make an effort to find time for their loved ones. Thus scheduling alone time or “a date night”. Now I’m not one of those people, I normally have plenty of time for the people I love. In my case, my title simply refers to what a typical couple might do on a date. Enjoy.

  5. OH YOU GOOF! I know what it is. I mean I haven’t had a date night in what seems like an eternity. And I’d pick something other than Snooze to do, apparently.

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