A list of swear words found within the Artifacting comments (and the number of times each word wad used) as of as of 7:41 pm MST May 13th, 2010:
Fuck: 49 (includes motherfucker, fucker, fucking, etc.)
Motherfucker: 2
Shit: 54 (includes shitbag, shithole, shitty, etc.)
Piss: 12
Tits: 1
Damn: 53 (includes goddamn, damnation, etc.)
Pussy: 7
Asshole: 9
Bitch: 19 (includes son of a bitch, sumbitch, etc.)
Bastard: 7
Cunt: 2
Come on folks! Let’s not be so shy. We need more motherfucker up in here.
Thanks for the idea Clusterfuck