A list of celebrities and other prominent and famous individuals who have experienced being homeless for a brief or extended period at one time in their lives, either as children or adults. Stats:
Nobel Prize Winners: 1
Nobel Prize Nominees: 2 (includes above)
Oscar Winners: 5
Oscar Nominees: 9 (includes above)
Emmy Award Winners: 7
Emmy Award Nominees: 10 (includes above)
Grammy Award Winners: 9
Grammy Award Nominees: 13 (includes above)
Best-Selling Authors: 6
Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients (U.S.’s highest civilian honor): 1
Knighthoods: 1
I’m impressed with the Loretta Lux photos! I’m just happy to have my kid sit still long enough to TRY to take his picture, let alone look like that. Good find.
I love Loretta Lux. There was an article in Bust magazine about her last year. She finds vintage clothing and puts them on her friends’ children and then superimposes the pictures over painted backgrounds. Her friends’ children have such extraordinary features!
Here are two of my other favorite artists:
http://www.hotboxdesigns.com/Sas Christian Paintings.html
Lux’s photo’s look totally different now that I know they were superimposed over paintings. Very cool RR. I also dug the Mark Ryden stuff – his work seemed “Tim Burton-ish”.