
Noteworthy Tumblr #8: iPhone Oil Paintings

iPhone Oil Painting 1iPhone Oil Painting 2iPhone Oil Painting 3

Since today Apple announced the iPhone 5, I think it’s an appropriate time to show you all Jonathan Keller Keller’s iPhone oil paintings. There not the type of oils paintings you might expect. First off, the paintings are temporary and captured in gif format. They’re created by using facial grease and grimy smudge marks to reflect light from his turned-off touchscreen. The results are both gross and awesome. More here.

Noteworthy Tumblr #7: Matchbook

I Am Forbidden by Anouk Markovits
All images courtesy of Matchbook

Matchbook is two things I love rolled up in a single package – hot women in bikinis and books. Matchbook, created by Kate Imbach, cleverly matches bathing suits with their similar-looking book cover counterparts. Each match is made by hand (no algorithm) and results in a bunch of fun pairings. The above image matches I Am Forbidden by Anouk Markovits with a bathing suit by ModCloth.

Noteworthy Tumblr #5: Table For One

Table For One is simple. It has a white background, photos of people eating alone, a title, and that’s about it. However, it elicits some strong feelings from people.

The tumblr didn’t evoke any negative emotions from me, maybe because I eat alone so often. I enjoy eating by myself. You can’t forget that just because you are at a table for one, it doesn’t mean you are alone.

Photo credit: Jerry Hsu

Noteworthy Tumblr #4: Pretty Colors

Pretty Colors is exactly what it says on the tin: a tumblr filled with pretty colors. Currently there are nearly 10,800 pretty colors posted. Under our current system only 16,777,216 colors that can be represented on the web. Given that Pretty Colors doesn’t repeat a color (which I already know they have – color #7900BC has been repeated at least 12 times already) and that it continues posting at about the same rate (which isn’t even close to consistent), the tumblr should be around for about another 1,830 years before it runs out of colors.

Photo credit: Pretty Colors

Additionally, the archive is pretty to look at too. Of course, a properly calibrated screen will be needed to bring across each color’s true prettiness.

Noteworthy Tumblr #3: Pony and “A” Take Over The World

This one is good for a lite chuckle. “A” is A Japanese student taking ESL (English as a Second Language) classes over skype. Pony is her English teacher. As a learning/writing/visual exercise, Pony will show “A” a picture and the have her write two or three sentences about the picture. The images and the sentences then get posted on tumblr for everyone to enjoy. See below for a sample entry:

Pony and A
They came out from their graves because they are bored with sleeping in the graves. They are wearing ragged clothes and their makeup came off with their messy hair. However, they don’t worry about it because they could walk out of the graves.
Photo credit: Pony and “A” Take Over The World”

Noteworthy Tumblr #2: Learning To Be Left-Handed.

Left Handed / Right Handed
Elissa Rose decided to become left-handed. She is training her brain by spending a certain period of time drawing with her left hand each day, posting the results and discussing them on her tumblr Learning To Be Left-Handed.

Within a day or two, the wiggly disasters began to take form and personality. A day or two after that, side-by-side renderings of the same subject showed something unexpected: The left-handed drawings looked more accurate than the right-handed drawings. The left hand still had less control, and they were spatially accurate, more expressive, and made out of wiggly unsure lines.

Noteworthy Tumblr #1: The Artifacting Tumblr

So I decided I want to blog about the interesting and unusual tumblr blogs as I come across them. I’ll be calling this series Noteworthy Tumblr. Of course the best way to kick off this series would be with a link to my own Tumblr called Artifacting. Basically this Tumblr is just a storehouse of images that I come across on the internet that get an emotion out of me (whether it be nostalgia, fear, happiness, or just plain kick-ass-ness). Some of the more popular images I have posted lately include this one, this one, and this one.

2,800 Tumblr Images

You may not know that I have a tumblr blog. It’s filled with images strike some sort of emotional chord with me. Some are beautiful, some are frightening, some are NSFW, some are nostalgic, some are funny and some are gross. Right now it’s a collection on over 2,800 images and it grows everyday. The video above is a compilation of many of the images found there. If you’d like, you can follow me on tumblr. If you already follow me I’d appreciate it if you recommended me.

The video was created using the new pummelvision service.

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