I’m a soda guy myself. If I’m ordering from a “free re-fill” place, I order a “drink”. If I want a “Coca-Cola type beverage drink” I order a Coke.
I’m a soda guy myself. If I’m ordering from a “free re-fill” place, I order a “drink”. If I want a “Coca-Cola type beverage drink” I order a Coke.
I am for sure a pop drinker. My Norweigan ex thought it was hilarious — no one in San Francisco says pop.
I want to know what is included in the “Other” category. Drink? Old Milwaukee? Pepsi?
A few examples of the “Other” category include:
Sodie Water – Alabama
Cola – California
Soft Drink – Delaware
Belly Washer – Florida
Bubble Water – Kansas
Tonic – Maine
Love is two people sipping Coca Cola from the same straw on a warm sunny day.