About seven or eight years ago I was at a party when a girl I had a heavy crush on handed me a small coffee table book. After stating that the book somehow reminded her of me, I flipped through it. I really liked it and was flattered that it was me she thought of when she first viewed it.
Ever since then I have been in pursuit of this book.
Unfortunately, I was never able to remember it’s title (or illustrator). It was a children’s picture book with no words. I’ve searched through entire children’s sections of several bookstores looking to both give the book as a gift and to buy for my own. I haven’t had any luck until today, when I found these scanned-in pages while surfing the internet. Does anybody have any clue who the author/illustrator is? Maybe the name of the book? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I copied the pages for you to view below.
UPDATE: Kasey and Giyjun found it! The book is titled Zoom and is Illustrated by Istvan Banyai (if you’re into design/illustration you should check out his website)

A quick google search of “cruise ship,” rooster, toys and “children’s book” pulled up http://www.amazon.com/Zoom-Picture-Puffin-Istvan-Banyai/dp/0140557741 as it’s first result. Google kind of rocks my loins.
Ohhhh. And please pardon my “it’s” where “its” shoudl have been. It’s 4am and I can’t sleep…I evidently can’t spell this late, either.
found it!
Thanks so much Kasey and Gijyun!!!