This guy has been at it for a little while now. He’s come a long way since his first drawing. For some reason I really like his drawings. I can’t tell if it’s the creativity or the simplicity that I like most. Maybe it’s because it seems Sam Brown draws just because he likes to. Not for money, not as a job, or not to “express his complicated emotions”. And I love it when an artist will say this “you do not need my permission. I urge you to use my drawings however you like. print them out and hang them up. email them to friends. paint your own copies of them on your walls. use them in your Powerpoint presentations.” Anyway, if you don’t feel like exploring the links, a few of my most recent favorites can be found below. Enjoy.

i love that guy too! its cool that people can send him a topic and he’ll draw it. ive often wondered if hes awesome or some sniveling asshole in real life.
I’ve never met him but from what he says on his website he seems like a pretty cool guy.