Some Say The World Will End In Fire, Some Say In Ice

This comic by Stuart McMillen is an adaptation from Neil Postman’s book Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. It compares Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” with George Orwell’s “1984”. With the recent revelations of NSA surveillance, I think the jury is still out on which vision is more correct. I think both Huxley and Orwell were right – the iron fist of government and the attention-sapping distractions of technology are dangers to modern society. The whole thing resonates quite loudly in today’s internet landscape.

Amusing Ourselves To Death

Bister Mungle

“On our intermission break either go out to the entryway for cookies or stay and sit and watch Mister Bungle.”

This historic video must be the first known recording of a Mr. Bungle show. Mike Patton (acting like a young punk and actually playing the guitar), Trey Spruance, and Trevor Roy Dunn play at the Eureka High School Talent Show circa 1984. Although sound is not quite refined, you can see the band had already enjoyed mixing various genres together and were beginning to have a stage presence.

Highlights include a cover of the Monkees, a partial cover of Motley Crue’s “Shout At The Devil”, and lots of bad skateboarding.

via brainphreak

Accessing The Internet (A Guide From 2025)

Philipp Lessen’s blog, “Blogoscoped”, has a scary (and tongue-in-cheek) entry about what he thinks accessing the internet could be like in the year 2025.

Many content offerings depend on the internet you’ve signed up to. If you’ve signed up with the GoogleAppleAmazon Internet, then you have one-click access to a great digital library, many movies, as well as a certain approved set of homemade web pages. If you’ve signed up with the DisneyWarnerBrosViacom internet, you get a different digital library, set of movies, and approved homemade web pages…Are you single and looking for the right partner? Based on your biometric data, your income, your location, as well as the Overall Attitude (OA) results from your Internet Surfing License, anywhere from 10-100 people in your area will be suggested to you.


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