
Jacksonville, Funida

It has been nearly three weeks and I never wrote about my trip to Florida. Well, about three weeks ago I went to Florida. For a short week. To celebrate my mothers 60th birthday. This is the first time I had been out there since my mother moved there about a-year-and-a-half ago. It was a great trip that mostly involved tons and tons of beach time. Mostly large wave beach time that was perfect for body surfing and boogie boarding in. We had a great sushi dinner for my mom’s birthday. There was tons of drinking going on all weekend, and plenty of fun was had by all. More fun than I am aloud to talk about on this blog. Which also made things very interesting. Downers included the loss of my wallet and an unexpected overnight stay in a very dumpy hotel in Atlanta. But this is how I roll.

BIG Candle

Old Man And The Sea


Surfs Up

Hawaii: Poipu

Poipu Beach

Moss & Rocks

Poipu Beach Seunset

Poipu Beach Rainbow

Beach Bush

Palm & Rainbows

Poipu Beach Sunset

Monk Seal On Poipu Beach

Poipu Beach Sunset

Just about every single morning and evening G and I would head down to poipu beach park to lunge in the sun, swim in the waves, snorkel, sip mai tais and watch the sunset, read books, people watch, check up on the endangered monk seals, stare at the ocean, explore, or just plain veg out. The place was absolutely magical. These photos do it no justice.

Hawaii Day 3: Na Pali Coast

Na Pali Coast

Sea Cave


When people think of Kauai, they often automatically think of the Na Pali Coast. It’s the most dramatic coastline in Kauai, and in my opinion, all of Hawaii, and perhaps the United States. The coastline is so beautifully rugged and majestic that it is a popular location for hollywood – Six Days & Seven Nights with Harrison Ford, King Kong (Both the new and classic), Jurassic Park, and Raiders Of The Lost Ark among others have all been filmed here.

Since this area is only accesible by air, sea, or overnight backpacking trips (which I’d really like to do someday), we book booked a tour with Na Pali Explorers. Our guide was a genuine Hawaiian Spicoli that was surprisingly knowledgeable had just enough new-aginess to pull the vibe off with charm.

The boat ride was a blast. Our group was really small with only nine others. We traveled the length of the coastline seeing waterfalls, dolphins, beaches, and explored sea caves along the way. Most of it all was located within the Na Pali Coast State Park. We stopped at the Nu`alolo park and archaeological site (warning loud music) for an informative nature walk, some lunch, and a bunch of snorkeling.

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