Oily Legs?
Image via â€@msbreeezyyy
Are these pair of thighs covered in oil or painted? I see both (though I admittedly saw oily legs for long before I saw the paint). Once again the internet finds itself divided over an optical illusion.
Image via â€@msbreeezyyy
Are these pair of thighs covered in oil or painted? I see both (though I admittedly saw oily legs for long before I saw the paint). Once again the internet finds itself divided over an optical illusion.
Is this train entering the tunnel or leaving it? Actually, it doesn’t matter, with a little concentration you can change its direction just by thinking about it. Thanks to multistable optical illusions your thoughts create your reality.
The same effect is used to create these two spinning lady illusions.
Here is another fun spinning lady optical illusion. The pointillist figure seems to be spinning in both directions at once. However, if you concentrate on her missing arm you’ll find she is spinning in a counter-clockwise direction. It reminds me a lot of this other spinning lady optical illusion. Cool.
Although yesterday the internet said I was smart, today it says I’m perverted.