
Last Week 5

1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week?
Last night.

2. What one person touched your life this week?

3. How have you helped someone this week?
By saying Thank You.

4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week?
A report for work.

5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place?
Work harder.

Wishful Thinking 5

1. If you had the chance to meet someone you’ve never met, from the past or present, who would it be?
Jesus Christ. There is no doubt that he has been one of the most influential people on this planet. I’m sure he’d have some great insights.

2. If you had to live in a different century, past or future, which would it be?Past, Early 1900’s. Or 30,000 years in the future given humanity is still around. The future is such a gamble though.

3. If you had to move anywhere else on Earth, where would it be?
New Zealand, South Island.

4. If you had to be a fictional character, who would it be?
Zeus. Ruler of the world (subject to change after more thought).

5. If you had to live with having someone else’s face as your own for the rest of your life, whose would it be?
Brad Pitt. I could do a lot with that smile.

Not Here

I have been slammed with work over the past couple of days. But no more! Tomorrow I’m taking an 8 hour road trip here, and am staying here in order to ski here.

I’m also attending a wedding on Saturday (one of many this year) in Utah. This should make for a nice and semi-relaxing long weekend away. Utah isn’t the greatest place to hang out during the winter (the summer is much more fun, i.e. mountain biking in Moab, camping in Arches, boating at Powell), but it sure is a great place to ski. I’m just really looking forward to getting out of town. I may not post again till I get back on Monday.

Last 5

1. What was the last song you heard?
“Spit And Fire” by Rainer Maria.

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
The last two I watched in their entirety were “One Hour Photo” and “Insomnia”.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Beer, soft tacos, gasoline.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Laundry, finish cleaning the bathtub, relax, and have fun.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Chris (coworker), Paul (coworker), Raylene, Steve (coworker), Louie (coworker).

Time For Crock-Pots

On Saturday after having breakfast over at my brothers and taking cat naps all afternoon I went to the 10th annual chili cook-off. Time for crock-pots, beano ©, homebrew, caber-toss and tandem saw competitions, campfires, friends and plenty of partying. The chili cook-off is one of my favorite annual parties. This tradition started with about 20 friends back college and has grown to tremendous proportions since. I have attended nearly all the chili cook-offs since the first annual, missing only maybe two or three.

Like the past 3 years, the monumental event was again held at the Evergreen Cabin. This year there were over 75 attendees and 20 chilies (plus 2 vegetarian entries). Local bluegrass band “Forty Gallon Still” also played making this years chili cook-off one of the best yet. I didn’t meet as many new people this time but got to catch up with quite a few old acquaintances that I haven’t seen since the last chili cook-off. It was a great time. Thanks to BJ for the great hospitality. And oh yeah, happy birthday.

Mates Of State

Saturday night, after nursing my hangover all afternoon, I went to my old roommate’s engagement party. It was pretty fun, but nothing too exciting. The usual crowd was there. I got to see the Rod family’s new house, it was really cute and I’m sure I’ll be spending plenty of time in their backyard this summer. Congratulations to the newly engaged couple, you’re very good together. I wish the both of you a lifetime of happiness together, you both deserve it. After a couple of hours of catching up with friends and giving my congrats, I went to go see Rainer Maria and Mates Of State at the Bluebird Theatre. I really like Rainer Maria and I own all their albums, but I went to the show to see Mates Of State. The show was great. I just love Kori Gardner and Jason Hammel’s songs, lyrics and harmonies (I own all their albums too, and a couple of 7″). It is best to see them live. It is just the two of them on stage. Knowing they are married and loving every minute of it. They constantly look at each other, sing to each other, and croon each other throughout the entire show. It is no secret that many of their songs are written about their relationship and it really comes across on stage. At one point I saw Kori mouth the words “I Love You” across the stage to Jason. Seeing them play was truly an inspiration and it absolutely made my day. Plus I have a true celebrity crush on Kori now.

You can watch a video filmed at Emos in Austin Texas here.

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