

A couple of weeks ago, my brother had his wedding in on the beautiful Jefferson Island (which isn’t really an island) just outside of New Iberia, LA. The Gardens were absolutely gorgeous. And the sunset on Lake Peigneur couldn’t have provided a better setting for such a celebration.

A good portion of the night I sat on the lawn, watching the sunset with my Beam & Coke and some good company. I had an interesting talk with some locals about the incredible history of the lake in front of us and that day in 1980 in which it had a fast-moving whirlpool a quarter of a mile in diameter swallowing everything around it.


The Wedding Cake :: My brothers wedding :: Jefferson Island, LA

I spent most of last week in Louisiana celebrating the marriage of my brother and his Bride.

My brother is hitched. It’s hard to find words to describe how happy I am for the both of them. That’s part of the reason I slipped past doing my best man speech (which I now feel totally guilty about). I’d written it on the plane ride down there, I had the angle I was going to take outlined in my mind for months, I had it all written down and in my pocket ready to go. But when it came down to it, my nerves got the best of me and I failed to deliver. I handed the hand written speech to them after the wedding and told them to open it on the first night of their honeymoon. That made me feel a little better. Anyway, I wish everyone could have as much happiness and fun as they do together.

All of it was gorgeous. It was a great afternoon/evening/night of friends, family, and celebration. So much happened that it’s hard to remember it all. My brother and Pandy are two of the most important people in my life and I wish them the best of everything life has to offer.


The sunset on Lake Peigneur :: My brothers wedding :: Jefferson Island, LA

Not Here

I have been slammed with work over the past couple of days. But no more! Tomorrow I’m taking an 8 hour road trip here, and am staying here in order to ski here.

I’m also attending a wedding on Saturday (one of many this year) in Utah. This should make for a nice and semi-relaxing long weekend away. Utah isn’t the greatest place to hang out during the winter (the summer is much more fun, i.e. mountain biking in Moab, camping in Arches, boating at Powell), but it sure is a great place to ski. I’m just really looking forward to getting out of town. I may not post again till I get back on Monday.

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