
Novel Uses For (Rap) Genius

Genius started out as a platform for annotating clever rap lyrics but has since expanded to include more than hip-hop, and more than just lyrics. Over the last week I have stumbled across some increasingly novel uses for the Rap Genius website:

  • First was an annotation of Hamilton: An American Musical soundtrack. These annotations are filled with interesting tidbits and insights into the song lyrics, American history, and production plot.
  • Second was an annotation of the entire Great Gatsby. Wonderful.
  • Lastly, Travis Korte used the Genius Web Annotator to create an informative takedown of the GOP’s recent Mainstream Media Accountability Survey. The annotation exposes the confusingly worded questions, sample bias and leading questions used in the survey.

Artifacting Tumblr’s Mixtube Mix

So I haven’t convinced you to visit my Tumbler blog yet? Well I’ve created a mixtube mix (mixtube is like muxtape + youtube – videos) which contains the soundtracks to all the musically related videos I’ve posted to date. Songs range from the surreal – “Big Beefy Balls” by Rachael Ray – to the sublime – “Tainted Love” by The Re-entrants. Go have a listen.

Footloose, But Not Fancyfree

Doveman (aka Harlem-based musician Thomas Bartlett who plays with David Byrne, Elysian Fields and The National among others) has created a shoegazer/emo version of the entire Footloose Soundtrack and his reasoning for doing so is pretty intense. Go check it out. My favorite is “Holding Out For A Hero”

UPDATE: Doveman’s Footloose album can now be purchased from itunes.

[bandcamp width=700 height=1103 album=2437808201 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=63b2cc]

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