
Moist Panties

A compendium to Wet Panties. Originally titled “A New Dynamic Clothing Model. Part 2: Parameters Of The Underclothing Microclimate”

Based on a new modeling, described in the first part of this paper, which takes into account the pumping effect under garments, the various parameters characterising the confined air, and managing its dry and latent losses, are determined. The mean temperature, calculated from heat exchanges with skin (or underwear) and with the garment, progresses exponentially as a function of the trapped time, until a limit. The mean humidity amount, determined from the energy of total evaporation, from the air layer renewal rate and from the water vapour diffusion through the fabric, increases linearly. Using a movable thermal manikin, walking at various speeds, and with a combined effect with wind, the intrinsic air speed and convection coefficient are defined. The intrinsic air speed combines the effects of external air and body motions. The intrinsic convection coefficient is a linear function of the square root of the inner air speed.

Vast Active Living Intelligence System

It’s easy, the VALIS or Vast Active Living Intelligence System is perturbation in the internal linkreality field in which a spontaneous self-monitoring negentropic internal linkvortex is formed, tending progressively to subsume and incorporate its environment into arrangements of information. Characterized by quasi-consciousness, purpose, intelligence, growth and an armillary coherence.

Wet Panties

For further research: Impact Of Wet Underwear On Thermoregulatory Responses And Thermal Comfort In The Cold.

In the wet condition 175 g of water was distributed in the underwear prior to the experiment. The test was done on eight men (Ta = 10°C, RH = 85%, Va < 01 m/s), and comprised a 60min resting period. Skin temperature, rectal temperature, and weight loss were recorded during the test. Total changes in body and clothing weight were measured separately. Furthermore, subjective ratings on thermal comfort and sensation were collected. The tests demonstrated the significant cooling effect of wet underwear on thermoregulatory responses and thermal comfort. Further, the tests showed that textile construction of underwear in a two-layer clothing ensemble has an effect on the evaporation rate from clothing during rest in the cold resulting in a significant difference in mean skin temperature. The thickness of the underwear has more of an influence on the thermoregulatory responses and thermal comfort, than the types of fibres tested.

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