- For those keeping score: Number of arrests in Michael Phelps case: 8. Number of arrests in peanut company salmonella case: 0 #
- RT @ntacsback: How to Avoid Having A Moose Knuckle: http://tinyurl.com/6ydo6x #
- RT @jmesa: “PROTIP: How to get retweeted: Write good tweets. Tweets about being retweeted are not good tweets.” Somebody please retweat this #
- RE Agents out there, convince me why it is good to own a house in America right now. #
- RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs RT @hubs #
- RT @retweetradar: @hubs is the top retweeted people on http://www.retweetradar.com/ right now. I had no idea my joke would game the system. #
- Just goes to show that the number of retweets a person has is a poor measure of authority/reputation/trust. #
- When is somebody going to create a bot/script (or several bots) that will RT anything I tweet. This has to be right around the corner. #
- I think RT will be a good “measure of reputation” for about as long as “number of followers” has (probably a shorter amount of time). #
- Informative (visually pleasing) explanation of the credit crisis for the layman: http://www.crisisofcredit.com/ #
- I can’t believe they are still working on my roof. It’s dark outside. That has GOT to be dangerous. Double checking OSHA certification. #
- It’s interesting that about 75% of the people I follow that don’t follow me back are members of the Boulder tech community. #
- It’s official, the world is ending, @jamijett is on twitter. #
- RT @mattgunn: http://twitpic.com/1lbuk – For her pleasure. #
- Going to grab a bite to eat and check out some tatoo parlors. #
- 99% of life is exactly not exactly what anybody had in mind. #