Tweets For The Week Of 2009-08-31

  • Woke myself (and my girlfriend) up in the middle of the night, last night, screaming because of nightmares. #
  • The Chipotle iPhone application has been released to the wild. #
  • I joined twitter 999 days ago – ? #
  • Marvel Enterprises $MVL is looking like a great short right now. Tons of negative divergence. #
  • The sexiest sentence in the world? "Both cupcakes are free" Have something better? #sexysentence #
  • When you resort to describing things as "crazy awesome," it's probably time to look at expanding your adverb/adjective vocabulary. #
  • RT @brigglesy2k: Pot fine in Denver 1/25th of street sweeping parking fine: Ahhh, D-town! #
  • Why is there not a happy medium between spaztic morning radio D.J. and 10:30 T.V. news talking head? #
  • Wow, I already have 8 meetings set up for next week. #
  • Who the hell is DJ AM? Somebody please point me to a primer. #
  • I am absolutely fascinated with this Jaycee Lee Dugard case. #
  • Watching the shuttle launch live. 2 minutes and counting: #
  • I wanna be stereotyped. I wanna be classified. I wanna be masochistic. I wanna be a statistic. I want a suburban home. #
  • OH: Welcome to my mind, please stay in the well-lit areas, don't feed the animals, don't mind the sticky stuff , and pay the voices no heed. #
  • Ultimately, at the end of the day, when it comes down to it, the bottom line is, when you boil it down, & factor everything out, You know? #

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