- . @rosalicious The last 3 yrs have proven to me that the food is never as good during Denver Restaurant Week as it is any other time of year in reply to rosalicious #
- Pediatricians want to redesign the Hot Dog http://bit.ly/bDUfiL #
- When you say ‘A-Rod,’ do you mean Alex Rodriguez, Andy Roddick or Angus Rodwell from Human Resources? #
- An infographic guide to the art of curling http://bit.ly/cCeHtz #
- How to Get Radical In 8 Easy Steps (go check it out before it gets deleted. get money, get paid, son!) http://bit.ly/dx5Jw9 #
- First sushi in space http://tinyurl.com/yhyxhav (via @GuyKawasaki) #