Todd Levin‘s brilliant take on Twitter (and the rest of the sxsw nonsense / cool-kid factor):
“Twitter is a very simple concept to explain. Imagine there is a tiny invisible girlfriend sitting on your shoulder, constantly whispering in your ear, demanding to know what you’re thinking at that precise moment. Now, imagine you decide to answer every instance of her question by sending a text message to her, and all of your friends. That’s kind of what Twitter is like, and we’re positive it’s here to stay”
Makes you wonder how much info is too much info.
OMG, that description is perfect Hubs! I am trying to hold out of joining Twitter, I got enough voices in my head…
Waaaaay too addictive.
Also check out:
“Once you twitter something you can’t take it back…†If this is real folks, be afraid, be very afraid. It came so close to the nagging girlfriend concept that it gave me shivers. How does the saying go? She may be pretty but, she’s batshit crazy (and yes, I’m refering to twitter).
Also, twitter without twittering. what is the point of all this again?
Also, it’s about twitter dildos of course.