Friday I worked a little late into the evening and spent a quiet evening at home. I watched How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days. It was cute, laughable, fodder to wind down my week. I can appreciate an occasional fun chick flick despite how generally contrived and predictable it was.
I was up (relatively) early on Saturday and headed up into the mountains for a day of skiing. I met up with A.P. and his wife and the two kids. We all ate an early lunch together and then went out to the carpet lift to play with the kids and teach them how to ski. The boy popped out before he even got his skis on but the girls were gung ho and couldn’t get enough. It was great getting a four-year old and a six-year old interested in the sport. Both me and A.P. agreed the whole secret to getting the youngsters started is just making sure they stay warm and are having fun. Most of the skills and athletics come later. At first you just have make sure they want to come back. Afterward me and A.P. went to take some turns on our own. We got about four additional hours skiing the ‘S’ lift at Copper Mountain. Traditionally, one of our favorite areas. It snowed most of the afternoon and this made for some good skiing but it also made traffic a bear. It took me two hours to get up to the mountain in the morning and three hours to get back. It was a long day.
I spent most of Sunday running errands, grocery shopping, watching TV, and reading. I was a pleasant weekend for a change.
Hubs, my Mom just asked me last week when I was staring the kids skiing. I have two, 4 and 3, and my hat trick on the way in July. She said, “Well I started you at three”. Yeah Mom, I heard this story a hundred time blah blah blah.
Seriously Hubs, I was skiing at Vail when it was a poma lift, a chair left and rope tow. I have not skiied in over 20 years. I was on the ski patrol and when it became a job it was no longer fun. Should I start the younguns? I was skiing at Vail when they gave free passes to anyone going to the Vail Vally Schools. Yikes.
wow, Genuine, that was really back in the day. i started skiing at around five or so. i learned at vail, they had plenty of lifts back then but it was before the first gondola went up. i personally think that 3 might be too young, but like i said, as long as they are having fun it couldn’t heart. you should get back on the slopes, i just went with my mom a few weeks ago, she’s 56 and still has fun.