I used to think my old doctor was the greatest. Well she still is, as far as I know. However, she won’t be my doctor anymore. But that is only because she quit internal medicine and is now working with the elderly. So after she quit, I was reassigned a new doctor. And this is one of the major downfalls that I have run into with HMOs. They just assign you somebody. You have no idea who they are, and that can be a little scary when this is a person you are going to be discussing some very intimate details of your life and body with. And I really liked my old doctor. She took her time, explained things, even if they weren’t important. She thought of good questions and was always willing to answer mine. I even recommended her to a couple of friends who also found her to be a wonderful doctor.
But today I went to go see my new “assigned” doctor for my yearly check up. And I have to say, he was great. He never rushed. He answered all my stupid questions (why do you guys always check my involuntary reflexes by tapping my knee with that rubber mallet? I mean if I can move voluntarily why check them?) And asked a lot of questions himself. So, I think I may have lucked out.
Anyway, I got some blood work done to get my cholesterol levels checked. I’ll get the results sometime next week. Take a guess, post what you think my overall cholesterol level will be in the comments section. The closest guess before I actually receive my results will win a prize. Good luck.
Which one? If it’s Triglycerides, I’m betting on 110.
I have no idea what that means.
man thats the scariest thing about HMO’s. youre so lucky. when i was in california i had to go to the ghetto clinic. oakland ghetto clinic was i think its official name. talk about your sorry medicine. the place was like how i imagine hospitals in bahrain.
ps: i cant believe you linked me! thanks!
Hell… DGH (Denver Health now) isn’t all that lovely… although it’s miles better than it used to be, and it’s got the best trauma center between Chicago and LA… still, I wouldn’t want to spend any time as an inpatient there… >shudderHell… DGH (Denver Health now) isn’t all that lovely… although it’s miles better than it used to be, and it’s got the best trauma center between Chicago and LA… still, I wouldn’t want to spend any time as an inpatient there… >shudder
Hmmm…considering your penchant for bbq and chili and things like that…I’m going to guess 250, shortly followed by a low-cholesterol diet. 😉
What do we get if we win?