It blows me away how New York-centric the entire blogosphere is (cringe… I hate that I just said any of that). Or is it just me. Or is it that I just read too many New york sites and not enough North Carolina, California, Texas, Portland, Illinois, Missouri or Connecticut sites? I don’t know. But it seems the whole blog world is getting their panties in a collective bunch about Christo and Jeanne-Claude putting up some little curtains in the that one little piece of nature there in NYC. I mean seriously, you don’t see me getting in a huff over this.
Or do you?
There are some NY-ers who couldn’t care less about some orange gates and think if great sums of money are being given to public works, there are far more effective ways to distribute it.
Like to me.
The reason most blogs are NY-centric are because most egomaniacs live in the City. Not to mention that this is the coolest place to be…
Gates…what gates?
It is weird. I also recently noticed that the vast majority of memoirs being published now are written by New Yorkers. (Which, by the way, I discovered after reading your book recommendation to me – Running w Scissors.)
Oh who cares! there are more important things to get in a huff about. Also NY is the center of the universe, so why not the blogosphere?
Trust me, the closer you get to NY the worse the obnoxiousness gets. Then there’s the NY Times with their ‘oh look at those cute people in the suburbs’ approach to covering anything happening outside of Manhattan.
We live an hour’s drive from Mid-Town and I can’t count the times I’ve been there over the past three years on my fingers. No big loss.
Trust me, the closer you get to NY the worse the obnoxiousness gets. Then there’s the NY Times with their ‘oh look at those cute people in the suburbs’ approach to covering anything happening outside of Manhattan.
We live an hour’s drive from Mid-Town and I can’t count the times I’ve been there over the past three years on my fingers. No big loss.
Heh heh, you’re right. I am not a big fan of the thingy in Central Park.
As a non-native New Yorker, I like living here, but sometimes it gets to me. The traffic, the crowds, the arrogance. In a strange way, people from here can be more provincial than people from other parts of the country (like me, from the Deep South) because it comes with that unique arrogance – that “why would I ever want to go anywhere else? I’m from New York” attitude that I find intolerable.
That said, I really do love this City…
i lived there for about 7 years. i think new york city becomes this point of fixation for people because it’s like constantly being around an ex-girldfriend that you still carry a flame for even though she is sooo over you and your 8 million other friends.
it’s mostly bark in relation to it’s bite. but, it’s bark is pretty extradordinary, in a sheer volume kind of way. i mean, i can get pretty much anything in the triangle that i can get in nyc (except for bacon egg and cheese on roll). but i don’t have 37 of the hypothetical anything to choose from, i can’t be around the same amount of people and noise while i’m choosing, and i can’t choose until 4am (unless you count wafflehouse).
so this volume and density of stuff, i think this is the “energey” or “electricity” that everyone talks about when they talk about nyc. and it does seem to take on a life of it’s own, like there’s this presence that is the city itself, separate from all the people and cars and buildings. (there’s a lot about it’s storied and often imagined past that contributes to this as well, i suppose). and the most compelling thing about this “living city” is that, even though people are so proud of and excited by being there, the city doesn’t seem to care about you at all, which it doesn’t, because it can’t, because the city is just a bunch of people, buildings and cars densely packed in a small area. but if you constantly feel spurned by something or someone, you’re going to feel compelled to give this some thought and attention. or eventually just move somewhere else.
It doesnt make much sense to recreate the river with fabric. does he think the fabric is better in some way? its stupid.
anyway you read alot more nc bloggers than just that! SE, Ginni, Ted…
dude…are you trying to ruin my upcoming vacation? because you’re doing a good job.
when it comes to sending people photos of central park from my new (pretty rad) digicam, consider yourself nixed.
jon lives in connecticut.
I haven’t read anything about it until now but I don’t see what the big dealy is. If some artist wanted to come to my town in the dead of winter and decorate it for free, and then hire local people to put up and take down the art, and then donate money to the local arts community, I don’t think I would complain.
Um, and then you wrote about it.
Hubs, its survival of the fittest, even here, and we must keep our eyes on our own egocentricity if we’re ever to sustain ourselves.
I’m talking about blatant self-promotion here
but Isa, did you not read the “show me more…” section?