

When I was in the commercial real estate business it wasn’t uncommon for me to see a 100-year lease signed by a manufacturer or distributor for a large or complex industrial building, but Guinness has really shown it’s ability to commit:

Leased for 9,000 years in 1759 by Arthur Guinness at £45 per year, St. James’s Gate has been the home of Guinness ever since. It became the largest brewery in Ireland in 1838, and was the largest in the world in 1914, covering 64 acres. Although no longer the largest brewery in the world, it is still the largest brewer of stout in the world.

via Bobulate

Kaleidoscopic Microscopic Photos Of Booze

These kaleidoscopic images are micrographs of alcoholic beverages collected by Florida State University. The images are made by crystallizing the cocktail or beer or wine on a lab slide, then passing polarized light through the crystal and magnifying it over 1000 times. As the light refracts through the beverage crystals, the resulting photos have naturally magnificent colors and composition.

Black & TanYou can purchase high-resolution large-scale print of these boozy closeups at Bevshots. There are a lot more photos below as well. Just hold you mouse pointer over the picture to find out what kind of beverage it is.



My 4th of July weekend started off with a bang! Thursday evening we went to Green Gables country club for our now semi-traditional fireworks viewing. Friday morning started immediately at 9:30 with beer chugging contests for the 3rd annual beer olympics. Pictures of last years beer olympics (aquatic version) can be found somewhere around here. This year’s events consisted of:

  • Feats of Strength – The Keg Toss
  • Feats of Skill – Beer Can Basketball
  • Feats of Speed – The Beer Chug Relay
  • Feats of Sensory Agility – The Blind Man’s Beer
  • Feats of Coordination – The One Handed Egg Toss & Beer Chug
  • The girlfriend and I, appropriately name team “Chugs & Kisses”, came in dead last. Though we did come in a very close second on the Blind Man’s Beer event. After the beer olympics I headed home for a nap while went to pick up friends from the airport. We then went to Dutch’s annual 4th Of July party where we celebrated the night away and overstayed our welcome. This is the party where G and I met so it’s sort of an anniversary of sorts for us.


    On Saturday we had an all day BBQ at our house with new, old, and out of town friends. It was a good time. I over cooked the turkey burgers and stayed up way too late.

    Sunday I slept. A lot.

    Workin’ It!

    These girls are WORKIN’ IT.

    I created this video last night. The music is a song called “Zukunft” by the Estonian band Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot, which I also discovered while surfing around the web last night. Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot’s newest release “Compensator For The Accelerator” is available for download for free (as in beer) on their website, which, of course, is worth an additional 100 cool points. Their cover art states:

    We praise the mp3 for giving the creative mind an opportunity to unleash itself from the established hierarchies of music distribution and bypass spoonfeeding by opinion leaders.

    The website also contains a .pdf download of the cover and CD art that actually folds into a sleeve that will protectively hold your newly burnt disk. Anyways, cool music, nice design, and great attitude.

    The video is of Gwen Verdon (Cacoon anyone?) shaking it to a dance choreographed by her husband, the talented Bob Fosse. The original dance was choreographed to a song called “Mexican Breakfast” by Pat Williams. As you can see Gwen really knew how to move and Fosse was way ahead of his time. Seriously, did Bob Fosse invent the bootyquake? Now go rent “All That Jazz” and “Caberet”, or just watch these videos.

    As a bonus, here are three additional Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot songs:
    Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – Nina Robots That Shoot Laser Beams And Stuff
    Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – The Ride Ripoff
    Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – T.A.T.U. Remix


    Second Annual Beer Olympics: Aquatic Version

    Second Annual Beer Olympics: Aquatic Version

    Second Annual Beer Olympics: Aquatic Version

    It’s a week late but I thought I’d share a little about my Independence Day holiday. I woke up early and headed over to Bear’s house for the 4th of July Pool Party And 2nd Annual Beer Olympics: Aquatic Version. Events included blind mans beer, swim-chug-pull, beer tread. G and I came in second place thanks mainly to G’s ability to tread water for 55 minutes with a beer in one hand. She said she could have gone longer but frankly everybody was getting bored (and a little too drunk) with watching her.

    Afterward we swung over to my brothers for some pizza and tacos from “Tacoss” taquería (no website, no yellow pages address, no citysearch, located here and more beer. We picked up Pandy and headed back to the pool party where many pool games were played, long floats were floated and cold beers were drankeded. The rest of the evening consisted of a Sopranos marathon. Good times indeed.

    Other things that have been occupying my time include:

  • A birthday party at Sushi Basho
  • A birthday party at Carmines On Penn
  • Tubing down the Platte
  • Car troubles
  • Baseball games
  • Wake boarding
  • Renewed Vows
  • Movies
  • Other stuff
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