
What The Fuck Should You Make For Dinner?

One of the hardest parts about eating dinner is deciding what to have. The next time you can’t decide what to have, use the simply designed, single-serving site “What The Fuck Should I Have For Dinner“. It’ll provide you, in the most vulgar way possible, with a dinner suggestion and a link to the suggested meal’s recipe. Now go match your attitude with your appetite! There is even a fucking vegetarian option. And if you’re on the fucking go you can also get the fucking iPhone app.

Artifacting Swear Words

A list of swear words found within the Artifacting comments (and the number of times each word wad used) as of as of 7:41 pm MST May 13th, 2010:

Fuck: 49 (includes motherfucker, fucker, fucking, etc.)
Motherfucker: 2
Shit: 54 (includes shitbag, shithole, shitty, etc.)
Piss: 12
Tits: 1
Damn: 53 (includes goddamn, damnation, etc.)
Pussy: 7
Asshole: 9
Bitch: 19 (includes son of a bitch, sumbitch, etc.)
Bastard: 7
Cunt: 2

Come on folks! Let’s not be so shy. We need more motherfucker up in here.
Thanks for the idea Clusterfuck

Fuckin’ Math

If my highschool math text books were more like this I probably would have grasped onto abstract algebra a lot easier – Fuckin’ Concrete Contemporary Abstract Algebra Introduction By First Course Radical Solution Dummies: Dummit, Foote, Hungerford, Shifrin, Gallian, Fraleigh, Beachy, Herstein, Saracino, Artin, Deskins (Paperback), by Nicolas Bourbaki Junior, ISBN 1441451579, 100 pages, published 2009. Here is an excerpt:

For fucking example, the symbols could be fucked as symmetries of a fuck, as the fuck of a switch, as an instruction to a machine fuck, or as a way to fuck a statistical experiment. The fucks could be manipulated using some of the unusual fucks for fuckers. For fucking example, the fucked polynomial 3x²+2x-1 could be fucked to and multiplied by other fucking polynomials without ever having to interpret the fuckbol x as a fucker.

UPDATE: Unfortunately Nicolas Bourbaki Junior’s book has been erased from the Amazon database. It can now be found here or here.

Workin’ It!

These girls are WORKIN’ IT.

I created this video last night. The music is a song called “Zukunft” by the Estonian band Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot, which I also discovered while surfing around the web last night. Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot’s newest release “Compensator For The Accelerator” is available for download for free (as in beer) on their website, which, of course, is worth an additional 100 cool points. Their cover art states:

We praise the mp3 for giving the creative mind an opportunity to unleash itself from the established hierarchies of music distribution and bypass spoonfeeding by opinion leaders.

The website also contains a .pdf download of the cover and CD art that actually folds into a sleeve that will protectively hold your newly burnt disk. Anyways, cool music, nice design, and great attitude.

The video is of Gwen Verdon (Cacoon anyone?) shaking it to a dance choreographed by her husband, the talented Bob Fosse. The original dance was choreographed to a song called “Mexican Breakfast” by Pat Williams. As you can see Gwen really knew how to move and Fosse was way ahead of his time. Seriously, did Bob Fosse invent the bootyquake? Now go rent “All That Jazz” and “Caberet”, or just watch these videos.

As a bonus, here are three additional Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot songs:
Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – Nina Robots That Shoot Laser Beams And Stuff
Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – The Ride Ripoff
Fuck Yuo I Am A Robot – T.A.T.U. Remix

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