Tweets For The Week Of 2009-08-17

  • Used Skype for the first time ever. I have no idea why it took me so long. #
  • Weather on Trash Night: Still pretty warm, no sign of the Persiod shower yet. I guess I'll sleep through it once again this year. #
  • How is it that I have forgotten all about Lefty the Salesman till now #
  • Cool. One of my favorite locals on the internet has blogged about his chapter in "beautiful data" concerning facestat. #
  • I don’t like the new toilet paper in the restrooms. It’s paper-thin. #
  • Watched the Leadville 100 start. 1600 racers this year. I am now packing up camp in the morning rain. #
  • The rain is gone and the line is in Turquoise Lake. Not a single bite yet though. #
  • Fishing nap taken. Light sprinkle starting again. I'm going to find the girls at checkpoint two @ the Leadville 100. Go Mark (and Lance)! #

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