
Billy Mays Is A Sad Robot – Part II

I’ve said it before but I think this really proves it. Billy Mays really is a sad robot. The video below was created by John Boswell, the same guy who puts together all of those great Symphony Of Science Videos that have been going around the internet lately.

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/BillyMaysInfomercialBallad.flv height=390 width=500 /]

If you really fell in love with this, feel free to download the track here: Billy Mays-The Auto Tune Infomercial Ballad

Billy Mays Is A Sad Robot

[flashvideo file=/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/billymaysrobot.flv height=350 width=500 /]

There is something about this Kaboom commercial that is filtered through auto-tune that I really enjoy. It was created by CastOutTheSelf, and although it may not be quite as funny as Jabo0ody’s dubs, I like it better.

This Kaboom commercial is apparently run at 140 BPM. I wonder if there have been and studies done to determine the perfect beats per minute for shysters to use for there sing-song pitches? Does the lyrical styling of Billy May’s script help us tune into the commercial?

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