
Magical Mashups

With The Magic iPod anybody can be a good mashup DJ. Simply drag the mid-2000’s hip-hop song across to an available saccharine pop song and you got yourself a bangin’ mashup. Below are few mashups that I liked. But really, this is so magical you’re going to struggle to make any horrible mixes.

Lose Control – Soul Meets Body Mashup

Country Grammar – Complicated Mashup

Laffy Taffy – Misery Business Mashup

(If you download then donate to the ACLU while you’re there)

Call Me A Hole

Call Me A Hole

This Nine Inch Nails/Carly Rae Jepsen mashup is splendid. The juxtaposition is jarring and yet they somehow fit together perfectly. I hate it and love it at the same time.

pomDeter was the original creator of this beauty but it has been pulled from all his accounts so I’m posting it here for your listening enjoyment.

Bang That Head That Doesn’t Bhangra

This was released released way back in 2007 on Wax Audio‘s Mashopolos. However, I heard it for the first time yesterday and it got my toes tapping and head banging so I wanted to post it here. It’s a seamless mashup of Metallica’s “The Four Horsemen” and Panjabi MC’s “Mundian To Bach Ke” and a ton of fun to listen to.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=78b3e0&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Carlos Serrano Mash-ups

This mash-up of Adele’s “Set Fire to The Rain” Vs. Daft Punk’s “Something Between Us” mashup Carlos Serrano is making it big on the interweb right now. It is clocking in with over 100,000 listens on SoundCloud after only two days and is currently sitting at number one on Hype Machine. It’s an inspired mash-up and sounds like it should have been created this way from the beginning. Don’t roll yours eyes cause it is another Adele song, it’s very deserving of its accolades. Have a listen.

Adele vs. Daft Punk – Something About The Fire (Carlos Serrano Mix)
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=78b3e0″ width=”100%” height=”81″ iframe=”true” /]

While you’re at it, this mash-up of Kanye West’s “Touch The Sky” and The XX’s “Intro” by Carlos is also worth checking out.

Kanye West vs. The xx – Touch The Sky (Carlos Serrano Mix)
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=78b3e0″ width=”100%” height=”81″ iframe=”true” /]

All Together Now: Every Beatles Song Played All At Once

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=78b3e0″ width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

All together Now, created by DJ Ramjac, is a mash-up of every Beatles tune ever recorded. All of the songs are played together, sequenced in order of length, with the longest starting first and all 226 tunes ending together. The last two minutes are absolutely chaotic. The track is more conceptually interesting than musically enjoyable and probably something I’ll only ever listen to once but I wanted to share with you all here.

If your interested in something similar but more accessible try this Beatles Mashup Medley or the Goldberg Variations Variations

Full Double Rainbow Songs

I’m sure you have seen Hungrybear9562’s incredibly emotional and hilarious “Mountain Giant Double Rainbow” video by this point. If you haven’t, go watch it now! Trust me it’s worth the three and a half minutes of your life that it will cost.

What you might not know, is that there are a handful of musical remixes already created. Check them out below:

The Gregory Brothers of Auto-Tune the News fame have turned the new famous video into one of their clever overly autotuned songs. The ditty finishes with a vocal rendition from the band.
Double Rainbow Song

“Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow” is the best remix to date in my opinion. Created by James Urbaniak, it’s a mashup with Kermit the frog’s “Rainbow Connection”. Brilliant!
Somewhere Over The Double Rainbow

“Auto Tune The Rainbow” is a pretty horrible remix (and the only one actually trying to make a buck off this) slapped together by Mason VanValin.
Auto Tune The Rainbow

Twin Cities-based producer Gigamesh has just released a remix called “It’s So Intense.” Gigamesh pushes past the meme and turns it into a surprisingly listenable little dance jam.
It’s So Intense

The game designers over at Rockethands created Double Rainbow (All The Way). I like the 70’s rock vibe it has. It’s a lot more organic than any of the others too. Which is nice.
Double Rainbow (All The Way)

Lastly we have the youtube doubler of “Giant Double Rainbow” mashed up with porn music. It actually kinda works in a gross sort of way.

If you find Yosemitebear Mountain Giant (Paul Vasquez) intriguing, you might want to check out the short history and interview with him over at Urlesque.

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