
What The Fuck Should You Make For Dinner?

One of the hardest parts about eating dinner is deciding what to have. The next time you can’t decide what to have, use the simply designed, single-serving site “What The Fuck Should I Have For Dinner“. It’ll provide you, in the most vulgar way possible, with a dinner suggestion and a link to the suggested meal’s recipe. Now go match your attitude with your appetite! There is even a fucking vegetarian option. And if you’re on the fucking go you can also get the fucking iPhone app.

Artifacting Swear Words

A list of swear words found within the Artifacting comments (and the number of times each word wad used) as of as of 7:41 pm MST May 13th, 2010:

Fuck: 49 (includes motherfucker, fucker, fucking, etc.)
Motherfucker: 2
Shit: 54 (includes shitbag, shithole, shitty, etc.)
Piss: 12
Tits: 1
Damn: 53 (includes goddamn, damnation, etc.)
Pussy: 7
Asshole: 9
Bitch: 19 (includes son of a bitch, sumbitch, etc.)
Bastard: 7
Cunt: 2

Come on folks! Let’s not be so shy. We need more motherfucker up in here.
Thanks for the idea Clusterfuck

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