Denver Pecha Kucha Haiti Fundraiser
Tomorrow, February 20th Pecha Kucha events will be held simultaneously across the globe. The Denver version will be held at the MCA at 4:00 PM. All proceeds for this very special edition will go to Architecture for Humanity to assist in the rebuilding of Haiti. All the PechaKucha Night cities will be connected by a 24-hour PechaKucha presentation WAVE that will gradually move westward city by city, circumnavigating the globe. The wave will be dropping in on each city for around 10 minutes for a video link up and a live presentation. This presentation wave will be streamed over the internet on a 24-hour WAVEcast.
20 seconds, 20 images, 200 cities, 2000 presentations, 200,000 people – with the aim to raise $1,000,000 for rebuilding Haiti. Attend. Donate.