
Historic Vice Maps Of Chicago

The vice maps below were created by Levee historian Bryan Lloyd. They depict all of the bars, dives, brothels, saloons, pool halls and gambling houses in the Levee and Little Cheyenne Districts of Chicago between 1870 and 1923.

Some of my favorite place names include:

  • Rose Lovejoys
  • Bed Bug Row 10¢ Cribs
  • The Badlands
  • Suicide Hall
  • The Morgue
  • Ike The Jew
  • Blubber Bob Gray’s “The California”
  • Dreamland
  • Bucket Of Blood

One Year’s Addictions

I love this project put together by Rollertrain. “One Year’s Addictions” is a collection of one entire years worth of “empty cigarette boxes, tubes of chapstick, beer bottle tops, empty bottles of lubricant, empty prescription pill bottles and broken ipod headphones.” I shutter to think of what my collection of addictions would look like – it would be very different, no doubt, but no less sinister.

One years addiction
Photo courtesy of Libby Lynn.

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