
How Can I Get My Girlfriend/Boyfriend To…

We’re approaching that time of year when we tend to reflect on what we have accomplished over the last year and what we want to strive for over the coming year.

And often this exercise also involves reflecting on our relationships and what we want from them. I decided to use googles predictive search feature to get a hive mind idea of what people want from their boyfriends and girlfriends.

How Can I Get My Girlfriend/Boyfriend To

How Can I Get My Girlfriend/Boyfriend To

There is a lot of the same themes going on from both searches. I both love and hate how Google allows a window each other’s fascinating, curiosities and troubles.

GifCities: Over 4.5 Million Searchable, Old-School, Animated Gifs

Click To Enter

In celebration of its 20th anniversary of archiving the web, the Internet Archive has released GifCities. It’s an animated GIF search engine that has indexed millions of animated GIFs from the obsolete GeoCities websites.

Geocities was an early web hosting service, started in 1994 and acquired by Yahoo in 1999, with which users could create their own custom websites. The platform hosted over 38 million user-built pages and was at one time the third most visited site on the web. In 2009, Yahoo announced it was closing down the service, at which point the Internet Archive attempted to archive as much of the content as possible.

Mining this collection, we extracted over 4,500,000 animated GIFs (1,600,000 unique images) and then used the filenames and directory path text to build a best-effort “full text” search engine. Each GIF also links back to the original Geocities page on which it was embedded (and some of these pages are even more awesome than the GIFs).

Head over there to relive a classic era of the World Wide Web. And please, go notify all your readers that your site is still under construction.

How To Easily Turn Your Twitter Stream Into A Linkblog Of Your Friends

Since Twitter allows you to search the tweets of just the people you follow (in addition to “all” and “top” tweets), it is easy to create a Linkblog of all your friends. Simply enter “filter:links http” into your search bar. Easy and productive. This is great little trick if you are the type of user that gets on twitter to find cool links to read, watch, or listen to.

The 20 Most Expensive Keyword Categories In Google AdWords

A company called Wordstream has done some research to discover which keyword categories fetch the highest costs per click (CPC) in Google’s AdWords solution.
According to Wordstream these are the top twenty keywords that demand the highest costs per click:

1. Insurance (example keyword: “auto insurance price quotes”)
2. Loans (example keyword: “consolidate graduate student loans”)
3. Mortgage (example keyword: “refinanced second mortgages”)
4. Attorney (example keyword: “personal injury attorney”)
5. Credit (example keyword: “home equity line of credit”)
6. Lawyer
7. Donate
8. Degree
9. Hosting
10. Claim
11. Conference Call
12. Trading
13. Software
14. Recovery
15. Transfer
16. Gas/Electricity
17. Classes
18. Rehab
19. Treatment
20. Cord Blood

According to Wordstream the words ‘insurance’ and ‘gas/electricity’ can net Google up to almost $55 per click while the words ‘claim’ and ‘loan’ can bring in $45.

The word The list of most expensive keyword categories is clearly a result from people who, en masse, turn to the Web in search for help, whether it’s for financial, educational, professional services or medical aid. WordStream concludes that the keyword categories with the highest volumes and costs represent industries with very high lifetime customer value: in other words, companies that can afford to pay a lot to acquire a new customer because of the nature of their business.

Finding Your Best Photos Of The Year On Flickr

It is getting close to that time of year when we try to determine what we did best during the year. For some of us that includes determining the best photos that we took over the year. If you have uploaded all of your photos to Flickr this is a real easy way to do this.

The Short Version
Click Here to get your best Flickr photos of 2010

The Long Version
The above links search through all photos (empty query q=), in text mode (m=text). It uses Flickr’s “Interestingness” algorithm to determine your best photos (s=int, interestingness is indeed a bit arbitrary, but then again so is the word ‘best’), between the dates of 2010/01/01 and 2010/12/31, and limited to photos taken by “me” (w=me).

Ultimate Online Coupon Finder

Use this search engine to sift through a large database for available online coupons and coupon discount codes. Searches can be by product name, brand or store name. If you are buying anything online for the holidays this year (i.e. amazon, overstock, barnes & noble, etc.) try typing in the name of the store and I’ll guarantee you’ll find some sort of discount on your purchase.

If you are interested in putting this search on your website to help your readers, or if you interested in finding out how I set this up, click the “continue reading this” link below.


Dang! I can’t believe I didn’t know about this before now. But Cass’, the incredibly cute young thing up in Laramie, pointed me out to Prospector. Prospector is a catalog of twenty three libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. Through Prospector you have access to over 20 million books, journals, DVDs, CDs, videos and other materials held in these libraries. With a single search you can identify and borrow materials from the collections and have them delivered to your local library. It’s so easy I can’t believe it. This is gonna save tons of time and increase my library usage.

If your interested in other useful local library tools you should check out this incredibly helpful bookmarklet. It allows you to both search for and hold books books at the Denver’s Public Library straight from any book page. This will allow you to quickly find out if the library has the book before I purchase it.

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